COPD Rescue Pack – What is a Rescue Pack?

A rescue pack comprises of a short course of oral antibiotic and a short course of oral steroid tablets.

When to start using the Rescue Pack?

  • To start taking the antibiotic if you experience an increase in coughing (producing large volumes of phlegm or a change in the colour of phlegm) for over 48 hours, or a fever for over 48 hours.
  • To start taking the steroid tablets if you experience increased coughing with tight breathing, increased wheeze or increased shortness of breath (unable to carry out normal tasks) for over 48 hours.

Please follow your COPD management plan.

What to do once you start using the Rescue Pack?

Please send us an online message via to let us know once you start using the Rescue Pack – antibiotic or steroid, or both. You can also request a replacement to keep at home.

What to do if no improvement of the symptoms or worsening of the symptoms?

Please seek urgent medical attention if there is no improvement of the symptoms with 48 – 72 hours of starting the Rescue pack or worsening of the symptoms. You can contact us during our opening hours via telephone or send us an online message via

Please call 111 if you need advice or help out of hours. Please call 999 or go to Accident & Emergency if you severely unwell or there is an emergency.

If you need further information or advice on your Rescue Pack?

Please contact us and request a telephone appointment with one of our Respiratory Nurses or Clinical Pharmacists.