This annual statement is generated each year following the annual infection prevention audit. Its foundation is within the surgery’s IPC policy and should be used with reference to the principles outlined in the Infection Control Protocol.
It will summarise:
- Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (these will have been reported in accordance with our Significant Event procedure)
- Details of any infection control audits undertaken and changes in practice as required.
- Details of infection control risk assessments undertaken.
- Details of staff training.
- Any review and update of policies, procedures, and guidelines
The responsibility for controlling infection and cross-contamination ultimately rests with all staff at Uppingham surgery.
For leading the guidance, Uppingham Surgery has one lead for Infection, Prevention and Control, our Practice Nurse Manager Carol Crewe, supported by Dr Anu Kalra, GP.
Uppingham Surgery is committed to the control of infection within the building and in relation to the clinical procedures carried out within it. The practice will maintain the premises, equipment, drugs, and procedures to the standards within the IPC policy and established guidelines. The practice will provide facilities and the financial resources to ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to reduce or remove all infection risk.
There is an annual infection control audit undertaken for Uppingham Surgery and all the branch surgeries. The last audit was done in February 2023.
All new staff have infection control training as part of their induction on joining the surgery. Annual update training for all staff is also undertaken. It includes training on hand decontamination, handwashing procedures, the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and the safe use and disposal of sharps.
These are reviewed and updated annually as required. All staff can access these via the practice internal website and GP Teamnet.
The infection control lead enables the integration of Infection Control principles into standards of care within the practice and shares necessary information with the team. They also provide a link between the practice and the ELR CCG lead for infection control.
They are the first point of contact for practice staff in respect of Infection Control issues. They will help create and maintain an environment which will ensure the safety of the patient / client, carers, visitors, and health care workers in relation to Healthcare Associated Infection (HCAI).
Infection Control and cleaning/decontamination are part of clinical lead meetings and interdepartmental staff meetings. This is in the form of discussing incidents or significant events with learning outcomes, cascading results of recent audits, new protocols and staff training such as hand hygiene and sample handling.
Our team have all had hand washing training and have been provided with suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) for their role and exposure levels.
Handwashing posters are displayed at each designated hand basin and also in public toilets and washing facilities.
The practice has ensured that all staff have access to sufficient and appropriate supplies of materials for hand decontamination, PPE, and sharps containers.
The practice will also seek to educate patients and carers regarding effective hand decontamination and handwashing techniques opportunistically. Hand gel is made available for patients and visitors throughout the practice at strategic locations.
Significant Events
All significant events are reported to management, investigated, and discussed at infection control meetings which are held every 2 months and are recorded.
In the past year there have been no significant events relating to infection control.
Audits and Actions
Regular audits are carried out and a rolling refurbishment programme is in operation to ensure compliance with all standards.
Areas identified for change have been addressed and are reviewed regularly, to ensure compliance. The priority is to continue with the implementation of the changes and continue to work at a high standard. Ensure staff remain motivated and involved via staff meetings.
All staff continually strive to ensure that Uppingham Surgery and its branch surgeries are following infection control policies and current legislation.
Dr Kalra
GP Partner
Uppingham Surgery